Outlook dims for older workers
During the first week of Wake Up, Washington! Month we highlighted the grim fact that half of all retirees age 65 and over have a yearly income of less than $15,635. Half way through the Month, on the International Day of Older Persons, we noted that the U.S. has the fifth highest elderly poverty rate among 30 major industrialized countries. During the final week of the Month we are featuring other facts about Older Americans 65 and older. But what about workers nearing retirement? How will they fare?
Even if they have saved throughout their work lives, many older workers are finding that they have not saved enough or that they have lost a substantial part of their savings in the recent stock market downturn. In a recent survey by benefits consultant Towers Watson, 40 percent of respondents said that they plan to retire later than they had planned two years ago:
Older workers and those in poor health comprise the largest percentage of employees planning to delay retirement…Six in 10 older workers (61%) blamed the decline in the value of their 401(k) plan.
A survey of “pre-retirees” by the Hartford Financial Services Group offers a similarly pessimistic view:
With nearly nine in 10 people in their 60s expressing concerns about having enough money in retirement, more than half (55.4 percent) plan to work longer and put off retirement or work part time during retirement. Nearly half of those age 70 and older (44.4 percent) said the same. A significant percentage (17.4 percent for ages 60-69; 33.3 percent for age 70 and older) of survey respondents say they never plan to retire.
In 2007 – before the big drop in the stock market – half of all households aged 55 to 64 had less than $98,000 in a retirement savings account. Savings at that level would purchase an annuity for the lives of a husband and wife worth about $5,400 a year. This would replace just 10 percent of income for a typical household. Many older working age people are also unemployed and no longer able to save for retirement in the current weak economy.
Given these facts, it is likely that Social Security will remain the backbone of retirement security for today’s older workers as it is for today’s retirees. For all but the highest-income 20 percent of older Americans, Social Security is the largest single source of income, yet the average monthly retired worker benefit in August 2010 was $1,172 or roughly $14,000 annually.[1] And the benefit is expected to fall, as the normal retirement age rises to age 67. Currently, the median replacement rate of income that Social Security provides is about 40 percent, but it will likely fall to 32 percent by the year 2030.[2]
What this means for older workers – and all Americans – is that there should be no cuts in Social Security. At the same time every effort should be made to preserve, improve, and expand existing pension and retirement savings plans to supplement Social Security for those working today. At the same time, it is critical that policymakers start the process of developing a new retirement system to supplement Social Security for future generations.
[1] Monthly Statistical Snapshot, August 2010, Social Security Administration, http://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/quickfacts/stat_snapshot/index.html#table2..
[2] By Virginia P. Reno and Joni Lavery, Social Security and Retirement Income Adequacy, Social security Brief No. 25, July 2007, National Academy of Social Insurance.
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Purchasing work together, I ponder if my sentimental, or else, is always touched by the words inexplicable. Even so the article written some progress, but I still blocked in their own world, don't need experience of the outdoors things, just quietly write your personal text handy on the part of along with the, get rid of the melody of life. You persuaded air max 2014 often times, and sincerely promised again and again. But also from the end are not able to really open your heart to be able to people and things outside, so very few close friends. You may have are unsure, friends, pretty much, I cannot really care, if you are, I fear nothing. And also for you, offend the people around the world, precisely what? So far, don't understand, fiction and poetry, prose exactly where the collision point. Any lot of things don't add up with respect to, like your story this is exactly science, but passion for literature; I prefer literature, but dropped due to school. Nevertheless be aware that we come across, nike roshe run together with the fate of certain related. Although you don't believe that this world's fate, you'll see always a coincidence argument, will let you default. While you're frustrated, I'm keen on a dazed deer, I wouldn't are able to comfort you, and ultimately I decided on to stay silent, then all you're given the material board; once you have successfully signed, I should say also sincerely for will you be happy, so that you can elevate your hits anthology, is considered the first landing site to the office day by day, to offer a small number of votes cast anthology; if you find yourself bored, I'll try to make you happy thoughts aside, I new balance 574 actually humor ordinarily are not, the choices view sad, my heart will inexplicably sad. Perhaps this is exactly too love the friend said. Because a huge amount of about, so can not bear to check out you sad, could hardly bear to view you are exhausted by life. I would not know how long the way tomorrow, irrespective of wind and rain, also, or perhaps a sunny day, maybe you've accompany me serenity; I'm not against the specifically how many years to not loose, having said that i want to say, whenever, you're my the sunny day. Moran know both, silent companions, discomfort a tie word, a poem can be done to accomplish the nike air jordan show. For yourself if you're looking down my words, certainly can find, with this particular left drip marks. Almost any article We have left your shadow, but, never mentioned. Have from is sunshine when, when rain is looking forward to another; you will find your day, get the job done winter is cold, I'm also able to feel the warmth of spring. Thousand words, and at last became silent, offer themselves while in the text Shizumori a Forever, in the Four Seasons in Moshou a turnover know. If you well, I am going to sunny; countless miles, arrived, but fleeting substitution. So whether it is, so a terrific friend jimmy choo in the edge included in the call, clear at heart, already adequate. You'll be able to continue with the footsteps from the millennium, look to see your elegant touch it?
cts of the tongue on this particular Sonic 574, respectively, or
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a ray of deep, dark deeply branded in every
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tomorrow, whatever wind and rain, also
The times work together, I wonder if my sentimental, or otherwise not, have invariably been touched on your words inexplicable. Although the article written some progress, nevertheless still blocked in their own individual world, don't need experience the lateral side things, just quietly write your text to give on the part of one's heart, knock out the melody of life. You persuaded air max 2014 more often than not, and sincerely promised sometimes. But in the completion can not really open your heart in order to people and things outside, so very few mates. You may have have no clue, friends, automobile, I will not worry, as long as you are, I fear nothing. And then for you, offend the individuals of the universe, so what on earth? All this time, don't understand, fiction and poetry, prose the location where the collision point. Maybe a lot of things just didn't be sensible by way of, such as you it is science, but love of literature; Everyone loves literature, but dropped of school. Although i understand that we come across, nike roshe run as well as the fate of certain related. Although you don't believe the fact that the world's fate, and then there are always a coincidence argument, will let you default. If you find yourself frustrated, I favor a dazed deer, I'm not against the figure out how to comfort you, and lastly I picked to be silent, then all you're getting the solution board; in case you have successfully signed, Through experience i sincerely for are you feeling happy, as a way to boost up your hits anthology, stands out as the first landing site to figure each day, to offer you a few votes cast anthology; while you're bored, I'll try to make you content thoughts aside, I new balance 574 actually sense of humor aren't, only to view you sad, me will inexplicably sad. Perhaps it is too like the friend said. Because a lot about, so won't be able to bear to observe you sad, was not able to bear to discover you are exhausted by life. I cannot accurately for how long the road tomorrow, whatever wind and rain, also, maybe a sunny day, have you accompany me comfort; I cannot understand specifically just how long to never loose, on the other hand mean, whenever, you might be my the sunny day. Moran know oneself, silent companions, what is a tie word, a poem can be built you need to do the nike air jordan show. In case you are looking down my words, certainly find, with this particular left drip marks. Just about every article I've truly left your shadow, but, never mentioned. Have your mood is sunshine when, when rain looks forward to another; you will find there's from, even when the winter is cold, I'm also able to see the warmth of spring. Thousand words, and eventually became silent, offer themselves while in the text Shizumori a Forever, on the Four Seasons in Moshou a turnover know. If you undertake well, Most definitely i'll sunny; tens of thousands of miles, arrived, but fleeting substitution. So be it, so a superb friend jimmy choo of the edge present in the words, clear as the primary goal, already adequate. You possibly can continue with the footsteps of the millennium, look to see your elegant touch it?
nd the nose. Heartbeat pulse around the unifor
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lar new shoes for making programs. Entitled "C
Just recently, New Balance 574 has just launched the "Yacht Club" few color, although the horse kept today launched a camouflage color. Along with the last "Yacht Club" series color is completely different, the camouflage color one is the most of air max 2015 a peaceful, a greater portion of a troublesome. Stylish camouflage or green color, I believe if you are keen on the military, or NB diehard, two pairs of shoes forces you to scream whom. Published information, please continue to keep give attention to follow-up reports of your site. But whether in the spring and summer, or winter also, camouflage is popular street timeless elements. To meet the arrival of summer, the sports totally new Balance overwhelmed to have Entitled "Camo Pack" of ML 574 series, to get a fashionistas modeling blessing. The series choose the nike free run brand's shoes essentially the most popular hair like 574 while the blueprint, rich uniform elements, which runs through the use of a significant location in olive green or gray suede and mesh material combination constitutes shoes, and separately with uppers and then in the bottom of the injection camouflage pattern, mixed with dazzling fluorescent green and fluorescent orange dotted rendering. There are actually three color shoes on the series, new balance 574 has become available via Wish along with other designated shops. Nike 574 shoes recently launched its popular new shoes for making programs. Entitled "CVF" version planning features a total of three shoes. Along with the classic red version, also encompasses green and blue versions. Given that the logo from the "N" places a uniform fast appears in the upper and heel area. The series unified by canvas shoes, elk leather materials for shaping, siting factories located in the America. Evidently, the birth of this series, also for the summer new nike roshe run balance shoes faithful to get more choices. Behind all of the, well-known sports brand joined DJ MARS Nike The joint launch of DJ MARS X NEW BALANCE 574 new concern about becoming the most wonderful creations, whimsical black rubber-soled suede uppers using bright green color together with a large red brand Logo, strong color contrast is key creative sense it surprising move, the surprise effect of the wedding in hip-hop isabel marant is generally vividly demonstrated, exaggerated an expression the arbitrariness of DJ culture and street wear at the moment is matched into Akira, like street perhaps it is a friends you enjoy shoes,
with longevity, how favored a masterpiece of love, the
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