Retirement USA is a national initiative that is working for a new retirement system that, along with Social Security, will provide universal, secure, and adequate income for future retirees. The initiative has developed 12 Principles for a New Retirement System, which provides a framework for a future system in which employers, workers, and the government would share responsibility for the retirement security for all American workers.

Get involved by signing our petition or adding your story to the Retirement USA Story Bank.  

Did You Know?

Half of Hispanics age 65 and older have a yearly income of less than $12,181.

The median income of older Hispanics was $12,181 in 2009, compared to $20,462 for older non-Hispanic whites and $14,620 for older African Americans. The estimated income older Americans need to meet basic needs, depending on homeowner status, is between $16,105 and $20,795, according to the Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index developed by Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW) and the Gerontology Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston (the 2006 index was converted to 2008 dollars).

Latest News

Capping big pensions: How much is too much?

by Ed Mendel, Capitol Weekly (Sacramento, CA), April 04, 2012

Most Baby Boomers Will Work for Life

by Dave Bernard, U. S. News & World Report, October 21, 2011

Retirement at risk

by Eric Ruth, News Journal (Wilmington, DE), September 25, 2011